A Teacher's Reflection on the Teaching of Writing

How do I about the teaching of writing?

Greetings, colleagues in the field of education! Presently, I shall embark upon an exploration into the domain of writing instruction. Prior to undertaking this endeavour, my understanding of the complexities associated with instructing writing was rather restricted. However, I must say that my viewpoint has altogether changed since completing this course.

We explored the enchanted realm of various writing genres, including exposition, descriptive, poetic, narrative, and persuasive. Beyond theoretical concepts, we were also required to complete practical assignments. It was positively a breath of new air when I discovered myself composing compositions for every genre. The purpose of these assignments extended beyond mere task completion; they provided an opportunity to enhance my memory and hone my abilities in areas where I may have become slightly rusty.

In the past, instructing writing was equivalent to venturing into uncharted territory. However, I am now equipped with extensive teaching strategies and instruments. Having an arsenal for teaching writing corresponds with possessing a set of creative methods and engaging activities that transform writing from a mere obligation to an exhilarating experience for my students.

At one time, I found the writing process and the six traits of writing to be elusive concepts. They are currently my reliable companions. By guiding them through the stages of writing, I can make the experience more pleasurable and less intimidating for them. The following six traits—ideas, organisation, voice, word selection, sentence fluency, and conventions—are not mere designations but represent the fundamental keys that enable each aspiring writer to realise their complete capabilities.

Furthermore, writing is not exclusively reserved for Language Arts classes. However, this is a multifaceted ability that can be integrated into any field of study. I now understand how to foster a writing-oriented environment throughout the curriculum. 

Taking this course has fundamentally altered my perspective on the subject of writing instruction. Beyond mere adherence to punctuation and grammar rules, the objective is to foster creativity, cultivate self-assurance, and impart a passion for artistic expression. Having found fulfilment in instructing writing, I am now prepared to impart that enthusiasm to my students. 

Cheers to discovering the writer within every one of them! 
