My growth as a writer

    Completing the course, LIT 102, "Promoting Writing in the Primary Grades," has been a transformative journey for me as a writer and educator. The course delved deep into the theory and practice of teaching writing, focusing on more than just the mechanics. We explored the writing process, the 6+1 traits of writing, and the stages of writing development, along with the relationship between reading and writing. 

    The course provided a comprehensive view of the challenges and trends in teaching writing, such as integrating technology, using writing to promote critical engagement, and best practices in instruction. This course was an eye-opener, revealing the intricate layers involved in teaching writing effectively. The blend of theory and practical application provided a well-rounded framework for understanding the nuances of writing education.

    I feel empowered and enlightened. The content of this course has given me a newfound appreciation for the art of teaching writing. Understanding the complex nature of writing and the various stages and traits involved has deepened my respect for this craft. The course has provided me with a toolbox of strategies and approaches that I can't wait to implement in my teaching.

    The knowledge gained from this course will significantly enhance my teaching skills. I can now design lessons that cater to different stages of writing development and employ various strategies, like scaffolding, graphic organizers, peer conferencing, and an author's chair. This will help in creating more engaging and effective writing lessons. The emphasis on the writing process over the product will encourage students to view writing as an evolving skill.

    This course has not only honed my skills as a writer but also enriched my capabilities as an educator. I'm eager to apply these new insights and strategies in my classroom, fostering a generation of confident and skilled young writers.


  1. I totally agree with what you said about appreciating teaching writing more. It is amazing how delving into the details of writing makes you respect the craft of teaching this skill to students. I share your excitement about implementing the toolbox of strategies from the course in my own teaching practice. The idea of incorporating peer conferences particularly stands out to me as a valuable approach. Thank you for sharing your insights

  2. Hi Keju! I am inspired by your reflection on successfully completing LIT 102. Observing how the course expanded your comprehension of writing instruction from mere technical aspects to encompassing the intricate and artistic nuances is truly remarkable. From scaffolding to emphasizing the writing process, your newly acquired array of strategies is exceptional. I am eagerly awaiting the way you will implement these ideas into your pedagogy to foster a cohort of self-assured young authors. Best of luck creating writing classes that are both engaging and effective!

  3. Hi Keju! I loved how you shared your reflection on how writing has gave you a clearer insight on ways to use different strategies in the classroom.What stood out to me most is when you said"We explored the writing process, the 6+1 traits of writing, and the stages of writing development, along with the relationship between reading and writing. " I can agree to that because I didn't know much about the 6 plus 1 writing traits as well until we learnt about t in class.

  4. Absolutely loved reading Keju. The content was not only insightful but also delivered in such an engaging way. You have a passion for this course, and it really shines through, making each post a delightful and informative experience for me. It is evident that you put a lot of effort into creating valuable content for your readers. Can't wait to read more and continue learning from your amazing blog posts.


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